Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Master Portfolio

DDP Ch. 11:

In this chapter Baron talks about interface design and how your site should have an organized layout. Baron begins by telling us that a web site is like “walking into an atrium,” meaning that there are multiple ways to go through the different pages and view it. Baron also broke down the design process into 4 categories—which we’ve already gone over and covered in class.

I wish I could have read this chapter earlier in the semester; it would have been very helpful. But Baron does make some good points, especially by saying that you should always leave enough room on your site to insert more projects. Like she says, later on or in the next few months you’ll want to add or move things around and for that you need a layout that is workable and trouble free to develop and change.

I’m not that big of a fan of Britt Funderburk’s web site. I like the layout and all, but DAMN- those colors he uses are extremely bright. I think if he just stuck with one color and used different shades of that color the site would look and feel better.

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